We have Sheikh Mwanje in our cells – army

Sheikh Yahaya Ramadhan Mwanje and Siraje Kifampa

The army is holding Sheikh Yahaya Mwanje in its cells, Defense and Army spokesman, Brig Gen Felix Kulayigye has said.

Mwanje was dramatically arrested on Monday at the mosque of Salafiya Tablique Muslim Community in Nakasero by five men who led him into a Toyota Hiace vehicle infamously known as drone, with a private registration numberplate, UBM 187E.

Mwanje’s whereabouts had remained a mystery since no security agency had claimed responsibility for his arrest and people were describing the act as abduction. Kulayigye now says the former Amir Ummah of Salafiya Tablique Muslim Community at Nakasero was arrested by the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) over security matters.

“He is suspected of engaging in security matters, we shall know,” Kulayigye said briefly. 

Before Mwanje’s arrest, CMI first arrested Sheikh Muhammad Buyondo alias, Matiya and Abdul Wahab Sendegeya both boda-boda riders at Old Taxi Park and residents of Kyengera, in Wakiso district and Musa Sekandi, alias Masanafu.

This is not the first time Mwanje has been arrested by CMI in collaboration with other security agencies. He was first arrested over the shooting to death of Sheikh Maj Muhammad Kiggundu. Kiggundu was killed in a hail of bullets on November 16, 2016, at Masanafu alongside his driver cum bodyguard Sgt Stephen Mukasa.

Even in December 2016, Mwanje was arrested alongside Sheikh Buyondo and the duo spent nearly four years in jail until they were released on court bail on September 16, 2020. At the time of arrest in 2016, Mwanje had spent a year serving as Amir Ummah after replacing Sheikh Yunus Kamoga who had been also arrested a year earlier on accusations of masterminding killings of more than 12 Muslim clerics who included Sheikh Adbul Muwaya, Sheikh Mustafa Bahiga and Sheikh Hassan Kirya.

Source: The Observer

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