Suspected food poisoning at Citizen TV kills one, leaves several hospitalised

Suspected Boxing Day food poisoning has claimed the life of one and left several other staff of Royal Media Services (RMS) in hospital in Kenya.

In a statement released Tuesday by Wachira Waruru, RMS managing director, a private food catering company was contracted to provide meals for staff working during the Christmas shift.

Media institutions are some of the industries that never close during holidays. Wachira says after eating the supplied food on December 26, a number of staff complained of severe stomach pains and today one staffer succumbed to illness attributed to food poisoning.

“RMS is providing all the necessary support to the affected staff and suspected food poisoning incident is currently under investigation,” said Wachura in a statement.

RMS Group runs several media stations including Citizen TV, Radio Citizen, Hot 96 radio among others.

Source: The Observer

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