Soroti DISO remanded over shooting to death solar engineer in road rage

Cedric Kayiwa

Soroti district internal security officer (DISO) Stephen Nuwangira has been remanded for allegedly shooting to death an engineer working with Access Solar in Opuyo, Soroti.

Nuwangira appeared before the Soroti grade one magistrate, Edmund Okiror Okwi who remanded him until January 6 for shooting Cedric Kayiwa on December 21, 2022, along Soroti-Mbale highway.

Okiror didn’t allow Nuwangira to plead to the charges since the Magistrate’s court lacks jurisdiction to hear the murder cases. Murder cases are only triable by the High court. 

Information from the police indicates that Nuwangira and the deceased had a quarrel along the road that triggered the fight. The regional police commander, Moses Mwanga, says the suspect and victim collided with motorcycles on the road and they picked a quarrel, which prompted the DISO who was armed to shoot the deceased.

He says that police investigations into the matter are still ongoing but the suspect was sent to court based on preliminary findings. 

Source: The Observer

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