Serere MP killed in road accident, police blames speeding truck driver

The MPs’ car wreckage

Traffic police has blamed the road accident that has claimed the life of Serere County MP Patrick Okabe and his wife, Christine Okabe on overspeeding by the driver of Isuzu Box Body truck Reg. No. KCX 071K.

The accident occurred in Naboa Town Council in Budaka district along the Mbale-Tirinyi road around 7:00 am today Monday – killing the MP on the spot while his wife died on the way to Mbale Regional Referral hospital.

Their driver only identified as Jacob is in critical condition, according to the police traffic and road safety spokesperson, Faridah Nampiima. According to Nampiima, the truck driver who is still at large, drifted from his side to the MP’s side, leading to a head-on collision.

The MP and his team were driving in a V8 Toyota Land Cruiser Reg. No. UBK 995K. Information in Serere indicates that the Okabe is often driven by one of his sons. 

Attempts to verify the driver’s relationship with the MP were futile by the time of publishing this story as none of the people in the family were picking up nor returning several calls by our reporter. 

The MP was in Mbale last night and was reportedly travelling for some engagements in Entebbe with other MPs. Stephen Ochola, the Serere District LC V chairperson, says it’s a dark season for Teso. 

“It’s a dark Christmas period for Teso. We were busy preparing for the burial of Bukedea district chairperson, Moses Olemukan who died on Saturday, and Okabe’s death strikes. It’s an unfortunate and very difficult moment for us,” he said on phone.   

Source: The Observer

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