New AI-powered weather forecasting system coming to Uganda

The Atmo supercomputer

US firm, Atmo Inc has committed to bringing high tech weather forecasting systems to Uganda aimed at improving climatic predictions. The commitment was made at the business executives meeting during the just concluded US-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington DC.

The new system which is expected into the country in March 2023, utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced data analysis techniques and is expected to provide crucial information to a range of sectors including agriculture, transportation, and energy.

With the integration of Atmo’s technology, Uganda will be able to more accurately predict and plan for extreme weather events such as heavy rain, strong winds, and droughts according to the press release.

“Not only will this  technology help protect our citizens and infrastructure, but it will also provide new opportunities for businesses and industries that rely on accurate weather forecasting,” said Stephen Kaboyo, resident advisor to Atmo in Uganda.

The Uganda National Meteorological Authority is upbeat about the incoming system, saying it will greatly enhance the current available systems and infrastructure, enabling the country to be better prepared and mitigate against environmental disasters.

Source: The Observer

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