MPs recalled from recess to handle censure against minister Namuganza

Speaker Anita Among

Members of parliament have been summoned from recess for a plenary sitting to specifically handle a censure motion against Persis Namuganza, the state minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development.

The special session, according to the clerk to parliament Adolf Mwesige will take place this Friday. It comes barely two weeks after the deputy speaker of parliament Thomas Tayebwa adjourned the House with no appointed date for resumption.

However, in his communication to the House, he indicated that the process of a censure motion against Namuganza had already started and ‘would be followed to the latter’. Tayebwa’s communication followed a motion tabled by John Amos Okot, the Agago North MP seeking a resolution of parliament after 200 legislators signed a petition to support the censure motion against the minister for contempt of parliament.

This was in relation to comments that were made by Namuganza against a probe into the Nakawa-Naguru land giveaway. An ad-hoc committee of parliament that had been tasked to investigate the matter recommended that Namuganza steps aside for falsifying a presidential directive that misguided the Uganda Land Commission (ULC) to allocate the said land to some investors.

But Namuganza reportedly described the House as powerless and unable to censure her, comments that were construed to undermine the integrity of the presiding officers. Namuganza, the elected representative of Bukono County in Namutumba district has since denied the allegations and accused the speaker of parliament Anita Among of witch-hunting her to settle a personal score.

“I have been directed by the Rt. Hon. speaker to inform you that there will be a plenary sitting Friday 6, 2023 at 12 noon,” read the clerk’s notice dated Monday, January 2 to all MPs.

On the day’s order paper, MPs will convene to constitute a select committee to consider the motion for a resolution of the House pursuant to rule 109 (9) of the rules of procedure of parliament.

The rule stipulates that 14 days from the date of transmission of the motion to the president, the speaker shall cause to be appointed a select committee to which the motion and all supporting documents shall be referred and the committee shall scrutinise and identify evidence to the allegations in the motion among others things.

Source: The Observer

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