Moroto hospital records officer arrested over leaking secrets to media

Moroto hospital

Emmanuel Ochepa, the senior records officer of Moroto Regional Referral hospital has been arrested on allegations of leaking hospital issues to the public and the media.

Micheal Longole, Mt Moroto Regional police spokesperson says that the officer will help police with the investigations into the anonymous letters threatening hospital officers who allegedly extorted money from job applicants.

“We have him in our custody and our investigations are linking him with what was going on last month, where a threatening anonymous letter was circulated to the public,” he said.

Ochepa has denied knowledge of the said letter, saying his arrest could be a witchhunt. 

“This is all a witchhunt and the truth will come out,” he said.

Dr Steven Pande, the Moroto Regional Referral hospital declined to comment about the arrest of his staff, saying the matter was outside his jurisdiction. 

“I don’t have a comment on that matter, it’s now a police matter, which is outside my jurisdiction,” he said. 

Moroto hospital has had a bad reputation over unending conflicts among the staff. Last year, eight health workers fled the hospital claiming armed rustlers were trailing them. 

Source: The Observer

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