Kyenjojo policeman arrested for ‘mistakenly’ shooting at magistrate

A policeman in Kyenjojo district, western has been arrested for shooting at Kyenjojo court magistrate Babu Waiswa in an alleged case of mistaken identity.

According to the Rwenzori West police spokesperson Vincent Twesige, it is alleged that on Friday Waiswa was shot at by the officer in charge of Mukunyu police post only identified as Turyanawe. Twesige explains Turyanawe was told to stop a car, registration number UBG 770E, which had knocked a person in Rugombe trading centre.

And when the magistrate was approaching Mukunyu police post, he heard gunshots, and out of panic thinking he had been attacked by robbers, he lost control and knocked a pole in Mukunyu Trading Center. Twesige says that the magistrate survived the bullets but was injured as a result of the accident.

According to Twesige, Turyanawe later realized that he had stopped the wrong car instead which belongs to the magistrate. Twesige adds that the policeman’s gun rifle with 19 rounds of ammunition was recovered from the officer and later detained.

Source: The Observer

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