Katikiiro Mayiga commends Public Relations practice at PRAU Nite

Katikiiro Mayiga commends Public Relations practice at PRAU Nite

The Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga delivering his keynote address at Naguru Skyz Hotel at yesterday’s PRAU Nite event (PHOTO/Courtesy).

KAMPALA — The Katikkiro of Buganda, Owekitibwa Charles Peter Mayiga has lauded the Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU), an umbrella body of all private and public PR professionals, for continuously lifting the standards and practice of Public Relations in Uganda.

‘I am very happy to be here with those who set the narratives of different organisations. PR plays a key role in drafting and communicating matters on policy, national and international agendas, among others. I thank the PRAU Governing Council for forging partnerships with the Buganda kingdom and I look forward to working together on the kingdom’s communication efforts,’ said the Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga.

PRAU President, Stephen Mwanga welcomes the Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga at Naguru Skyz Hotel to celebrate PRAU Nite, 2022 (PHOTO/Courtesy).

The remarks were given at the end of year event organized by PRAU to celebrate the fundamental role PR professionals play in managing and implementing strategic communication functions. At the same event, senior professionals in the industry were awarded for exceptionally delivering their roles in the PR and Media industry respectively. Some of the outstanding individuals that received accolades were; Hope Kivengere, Vincent Musubire Kityamuweesi, Prof Abbaa Kiyimba, Barbara Kaija, Phillip Wafula Ogutu, and David Ouma Balikoowa.

The Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga receiving a token of appreciation from the PRAU Governing Council led by Stephen Mwanga.The Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga receiving a token of appreciation from the PRAU Governing Council led by Stephen Mwanga.The Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga receiving a token of appreciation from the PRAU Governing Council led by Stephen Mwanga.
The Katikkiro of Buganda, Owek. Charles Peter Mayiga receiving a token of appreciation from the PRAU Governing Council led by Stephen Mwanga (PHOTO/Courtesy)

The Association’s 44th Governing Council led by President Stephen Mwanga highlighted that PRAU strives to undertake initiatives that advance public relations excellence through knowledge and skills sharing, training of its members and career growth which they have continuously carried out.

He also urged PR professionals not to end at implementing management decisions.

‘PR is a management function. As PR professionals, we ought to act strategically to further enhance our organisational agendas.

This starts with taking our rightful seats in the management boardrooms and aiming to meet overall organizational objectives in our day-to-day roles,’ said Stephen Mwanga, President of PRAU.

PRAU’s Patron and Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Chris Baryomunsi was also present at the knowledge and fun-filled event.

PRAU Patron and Minister of ICT & National Guidance, Hon. Chris Baryomunsi addressing PR professionals at the PRAU NitePRAU Patron and Minister of ICT & National Guidance, Hon. Chris Baryomunsi addressing PR professionals at the PRAU NitePRAU Patron and Minister of ICT & National Guidance, Hon. Chris Baryomunsi addressing PR professionals at the PRAU Nite
PRAU Patron and Minister of ICT & National Guidance, Hon. Chris Baryomunsi addressing PR professionals at the PRAU Nite (PHOTO/Courtesy).

He appreciated the PRAU Governing Council for making steps into gaining statutory recognition and pledged his support.

‘As the PRAU patron, I will continue to work together with the PRAU Governing Council to tackle challenges and offer much better and effective solutions. I am therefore happy that we are taking strides in the PRAU Bill drafting and I am positive that PRAU will soon have a statutory instrument,’ said Hon. Chris Baryomunsi, PRAU Patron and Minister of ICT and National Guidance.

Among the activities of the event was a knowledge sharing session on ‘Leveraging Media Relations to increase brand awareness and return on investment.

The 2022 PRAU Nite was organized by PRAU and supported by partners including Nation Media Group, Stanbic Bank, Parliament of Uganda, Uganda Civil Aviation Authority, UMEME, Uganda Airlines, Pepsi, Corporate Image, and Uganda Breweries.

Source: PML Daily

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