Kabuleta denied bail, remanded till Dec 14

Joseph Kabuleta in the dock

Nakawa Chief Magistrate’s court has remanded former presidential candidate Joseph Kabuleta to Luzira prison on charges of promoting sectarianism.

Kabuleta, also president of the National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) party, was on Wednesday arraigned before chief magistrate, Ritah Neumbe Kidasa and charged with one count of promoting sectarianism, which he denied.

Court heard that Kabuleta and Prossy Ayebare, another member of NEED and others still at large, published statements contained in a video posted on Kabuleta’s YouTube with statements that are likely to create alienation and despondency, raise discontent or disaffection and promote feelings of ill will or hostility among the Banyarwanda, Bahima, and Banyankore.

According to the charge sheet signed by the director of public prosecutions (DPP) Jane Frances Abodo, the crimes were allegedly committed on May 30, 2022, in Kampala district, and posted on Kabuleta’s YouTube channel.

But Kabuleta denied the charges. State attorney Doreen Elima informed court that investigations into this matter are still ongoing. Kabuleta’s lawyer Remmy Bagenda attempted to apply for bail on the basis that his client has an ongoing regular treatment that he is supposed to access. However, Kidasa advised him to do so in the next court session citing that she had other court matters to attend to.

Neumbe remanded Kabuleta until December 14 and also issued criminal summons to Ayebare. Kabuleta was arrested on Monday from his office in Bugolobi, a Kampala city suburb by plain-clothed security personnel who were travelling in a navy blue Toyota Hiace vehicle popularly known as a drone.

On Tuesday, the police said that Kabuleta allegedly defied summons that required him to appear at the police headquarters to record a statement on the charges.

Source: The Observer

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