Gunmen driving in drone kidnap Sheikh Mwanje

Sheikh Yahaya Ramadhan Mwanje and Siraje Kifampa

Unidentified gunmen driving in a numberless minibus alias drone have kidnapped Sheikh Yahya Mwanje, the former acting Amir Ummah of Salafiya Tablique Muslim community.

Siraji Kifampa, the spokesperson of Jamatil Salafiya Tablique Muslim community, says that the gunmen intercepted Mwanje shortly after stepping out of Nakasero Mosque around 8:30 am today morning.  

“We don’t know who took him but we are trying to establish his whereabouts,” said Kifampa.

Sheikh Mwanje is one of the suspects facing trial for the murder of Maj Muhammad Kiggundu and his bodyguard Sgt Steven Mukasa on November 26, 2016 at Masanafu trading centre in Lubaga Division. 

He stayed on remand until June 2019 when the International Crimes Division of the High court granted him a non-cash bail of Shs 20 million and each of his four sureties executed a noncash bond of Shs 10 million. 

According to Kifampa, Mwanje has been returning to court to hear his case and was scheduled to return at 9 am when he was abducted. He is jointly charged with Sheikh Muhammad Buyondo alias, Matiya and Abdul Wahab Sendegeya both boda boda riders in Kyengera, and Musa Sekandi, alias Masanafu.

Source: The Observer

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