Gunmen attack Ntoroko district again

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Suspected Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) rebels have carried out attacks in Ntoroko district, western Uganda, just a week after another attack in the same district.

Steven Asaba the Bweramule sub county LC III chairperson says that the rebels attacked Chapa amd Kayanja village at around 7 am today Tuesday. The village is at the border of Uganda and DRC where the rebels have bases.

Asaba says that the Uganda People’s Defense Forces (UPDF) in the area engaged the gunmen in a fire exchange and according to him, managed to capture at least two suspects and kill another two.

Edward Jones Mugairwe, the Ntoroko resident district commissioner (RDC) confirmed the attack but could not divulge more details. On Tuesday last week, when rebels attacked Kyobe and Kayanja villages, over 800 locals fled from their homes and pitched camp at Karugutu primary school.

According to Maj Gen Dick Olumu, the commander of Mountain Division and Operation Shujja said that in the fire exchange last week, the UPDF was able to kill 17 rebels, capture 13 and recover over 17 firearms.


Source: The Observer

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