For Martin Ayebare, charity is a hobby

Martin Ayebare

MARTIN AYEBARE, 28, is the co-founder and CEO of Football Nations Corporate League and also works in the speaker’s office at parliament.

He is passionate about giving back to the community. Quick Talk found Ayebare, who hails from Kanungu, in Bwaise during their team charity campaign, giving essentials to young girls and mothers in the slums.

Hi Martin; well done!
Thanks, Quick Talk!

This is good!

Yes. You know the Bible says God blesses the hand that gives; so, I front that for God’s blessings.

When did you start this charity thing?

I have grown up through hardships and always desired to see someone give me a hand. I had promised myself that whenever I get a chance of giving back to our community, our orphans and our school-going children, I would use it.

So I’ve been trying it out using my small salary – part of it.

That is generous, especially in this economy! What percentage of your salary do you give out?

As a person I have requirements and needs, [but they] are limited. So, I used to put in 40 percent of my simple salary to buy shoes, food and clothes for [vulnerable] children and the many people out there in need.

How long have you done this?

About six months. So far we have carried out four outreaches; one was in Kyebando, where we helped the family of Ssalongo who had lost his business due to Covid-19. The second was in Bwaise. We met young girls who have been using old rugs and newspapers as sanitary pads… I
worked with the QA organization, who came in and supported the initiative.

[We went back to] Bwaise, at Outspan primary and nursery school, where a lot of pads were distributed to these girls. Then today we are in the slums of Bwaise.

Bwaise seems special…

Well, we wanted to make Bwaise the foundation of our charity organisation.

Where does Football Nation’s league come in?

Well, I am trying to start a new corporate league that will see many big companies participate. For us, we are using this league to make sure that we create a change and difference in our society. We have very many needy groups. We have orphans, street kids, widows… who only would need very small things to make a difference in their life.

So, on every match day, you come to play the game but you come with that shirt, pair of shoes, etc that you no longer use. They will go to charity.

How many of you are behind this?

I engaged my immediate friends at work and former classmates and we have now about 15 to 20 people, who are very active and ready to push
these to the next level. There are many girls in this slums and suburbs who are dropping out of school because of failure to buy sanitary towels that cost about Shs 3,000 a pack; if each player in our league contributed just Shs 1,000, three players, who enjoy the game of football can keep one girl in school.

We all know the economy is not doing well and many people are currently not doing fine [but we can still help one another].

So what else do you do for fun?

I don’t go out a lot, but in most cases I go to watch KCCA FC. So, every weekend if there’s a game, I go and watch. I also like comedy. I listen to music and my best musician currently is Eddy Kenzo. I also love Carol Nantongo’s music. I also always play and dance to bongo flavour songs from Tanzania. I play the music and dance alone in my house in Kisaasi.

I usually don’t know the information in the song, but I enjoy the beats.

Are you married?

I’m not married. But of course at some point I hope to get married.

So, who is your ideal woman?

I would want a God-fearing, loving and caring woman. A lady who will be there for me to promote and push our ideas; an industrious woman,
developmental… I believe God will bring her my way [good luck, mate!]

Do you watch movies?

Yeah, I do watch action movies. I like action movies with women taking the leading character, such as in The Woman King [starring Viola Davis and Sheila Atim, among others].

Source: The Observer

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