Ex minister Sseninde asks Gen Muhoozi to speak responsibly

Rosemary Sseninde

Former minister for Primary Education Rosemary Nansubuga Sseninde has asked Gen Muhoozi Kenerubaga to speak/tweet with caution because his statements are likely going to hurt his own father’s government, party and the country.

Sseninde who is currently the director of mobilisation for the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM), said although the first son has freedom to express himself, how, why and to whom he makes political statements matter as it might it might end up destabilising the general political environment of Uganda and its neighbours. 

While meeting NRM party members and leaders in Bunyanbagu district on Friday last week, Sseninde says the party is internally concerned that the ongoing Muhoozi presidency discussions are likely to divide members and affect their future political goals. She said that Muhoozi as a serving military officer is expected to act as provided for under the national law which bars him from making any political statements.

Muhoozi, 48, has continued to stir controversy with his comments including undiplomatic outbursts and poking holes in the agenda of his father’s NRM party which he called reactionary and not in sync with the desires of youthful Ugandans.

“MK also has his freedom to say what he wants but of course, he must be conscious of what is going to hurt the government, what is going to hurt the party and what is going to hurt the country. Because I believe much as we have freedom to speak, we speak things that probably will cause problems for the country. But of course, he has his freedom like I may have my freedom to say what I want to say but he’s our person, he’s our child but I think our it’s said and where it is said, to whom it is said is what concerns the people,” Sseninde said.

Sseninde further asked NRM members to desist from early politicking, arguing that the party has the key mandate to deliver on its manifesto this term. Bunyangabu District MP Davis Kamukama says there is a need for President Yoweri Museveni to have a frank fatherly talk with his son. 

Muhoozi has not in the past taken lightly any criticism, publicly threatening to “crush” what he called unfriendly media and even taking on even his own father and historical minister Kahinda Otafiire. For example, following Museveni’s October interview with Kenyan TV, KTN where he said although Muhoozi is a good military officer, he was making several mistakes with his tweets and hence would be stopped, Muhoozi answered him back almost immediately. 

“If he was tweeting on sports, things which are not controversial, that would not be a problem, but to talk about other countries, or even the partisan politics of Uganda is what he should not do and he will not do it,” Museveni told KTN’s Sophie Wanuna. 

But rather than take the diplomatic stance, Muhoozi instead laughed off his father’s threats of censoring him, saying he’s a grown-up who can speak his own mind.

I hear some journalist from Kenya asked my father to ban me from Twitter? Is that some kind of joke?? I am an adult and NO ONE will ban me from anything!” he tweeted.

Muhoozi had earlier in one of his Twitter tirades threatened to capture Nairobi within two weeks, triggering angry reactions among Kenyan politicians and citizens. Museveni would later apologise for his son’s outbursts.

Most recently he warned Internal Affairs minister Gen Kahinda Otafiire against going around the country endorsing Museveni’s 2026 presidency. Muhoozi himself has expressed desire to stand for the presidency in 2026.

Those people signing declarations against us in the NRM. We will teach you what Uganda means. This country belongs to Almighty God and the people of Uganda. Let us see who is stronger you or us?” Muhoozi tweeted.

Source: The Observer

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