Entrepreneurs tipped on public procurement deals for quick post COVID-19 economic recovery

Entrepreneurs tipped on public procurement deals for quick post COVID-19 economic recovery

Donald Agaba WE4A team leaderDonald Agaba WE4A team leaderDonald Agaba WE4A team leader
Donald Agaba WE4A team leader (PHOTO/Courtesy).

In order to overcome obstacles faced by women to access formal jobs coupled with hindrances to success in the entrepreneurial space, GIZ;- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, the EU;-European Union, TEF;- Tony Elumelu Foundation, OACPS;- Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, SAFEEM;- Swiss Organization for Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets together with implementing partner SRLB:- Solid Rock Life and Business , have organized a series of Business Clinics.

It was during the first of such clinics on Friday 9th December 2022, at Hotel Africana that the women entrepreneurs, most of whom selected from the TEF, (Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme) alumni that heated discussions, mentorships, testimonies from resilient colleagues and trainings happened.

The Public Procurement and Disposal Authority (PPDA)’s Senior Officer-Procurement and Capacity Building Ms. Catherine Natukunda, assured the ladies and the few gentlemen present, that, it was possible to scoop part of the Ugx.37.4 trillion budget, if their business records were in order which would align them with registration and participation criteria in securing relevant GOU tenders.

“This money is in trillions!” she noted. “Ladies in Business, youth and people with special needs have, in addition to local content considerations been given higher consideration after the amendment of the PPDA Act-2003 that was revised in July 2021 to accommodate you and me” said Catherine Natukunda, whose encouragement sent ladies wondering how to overcome the rampant corruption in government entities.

Some of the participants

“The electronic government procurement portal reduces chances of corruption by 80% so women all over the country are encouraged to register and be compliant” added Ms. Natukunda citing government interventions to corruption.

The Team Leader GIZ-WE4A, Mr. Donald Agaba (in picture) noted that the activities had been divided into three components I.e., Entrepreneurship training and seed Capital, Value Chain and Supplier development and Second Stage Financing where selected women entrepreneurs from TEF alumni and SAFEEM will receive 10,000EUR together with technical assistance.

“This is not charity!” said Donald Agaba, “It is GIZ’s responsibility to ensure growth of Women Businesses in order to grow the entire economy and adhere to MDG”
Mr. Ronald Kavulu, The Chief Operating Officer from the Implementing partner: – Solid Rock Life and Business, together with the Entrepreneurs’ training team Leader; Ms. Bbosa Dorothy Katantazi assured the participants of the commitment from Solid Rock Life and Business, to ensure bespoke needs assessment.

“So far, 58 women of our targeted 100 have undergone the intensive practical training which is conducted physically and online in the areas of: – business development, including business environment assessment, pricing strategies, Costing, strategic planning, and several other business skills, including basic finance management.

“Noted Mr. Kavulu who assured TEF alumni members that an additional cohort will be held in January 2023, to ensure more women are included in this opportune program.

“The Business Clinics, culminating from the trainings at Solid Rock Life and Business, with campuses in Kitante and Muyenga, are aimed to close gender gaps for women who should serve as role models in their societies. These include MSMEs of Kampala, Masaka, Wakiso, Soroti, Mukono, Mpigi, Mbarara, Yumbe among other districts that the funders believe need support to fully recover from aftereffects of Covid19, grow and become self-sustainable.

“Noted Mr. Francis Mwanika a Corporate Development and training expert and is also part of the training for TEF alumni women-led enterprises selected from across the country.

Source: PML Daily

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