‘Drunk’ Omoro OC arrested for shooting dead 16-year-old student

The officer-in-charge of Opit police post in Omoro district, Sgt Christopher Okot Bruce has been arrested for shooting dead a teenager and injuring another person.

Okot allegedly shot dead Emmanuel Olanya, 16, a pupil of Opit primary school, and injured Simon Okema, 25, from Opit town council following a scuffle in a bar over a girl. It is said that the officer intervened to calm the situation but met resistance prompting him to open fire. 

Innocent Okello, an eyewitness, says that the incident happened at around 4:00 am on Boxing day in front of Corner House Night Club where revellers were merrymaking. Okello explained that the lone officer sighted the rowdy crowd and met resistance when he tried to disperse them.   

He says that the officer who looked drunk opened fire at the youth, killing one instantly and injuring another. Both the victims are residents of Lomolo village. The girl and the other onlookers fled the scene in disarray following the shooting.    

David Ongom Mudong, the Aswa River Region police spokesperson, says that police responded to the scene and recovered two cartridges, and a gun registration number UG POL. 56-131002705-16007 with 24 bullets.

He said that the officer has been arrested and is being detained at Omoro central police station where a case of murder by shooting is being investigated vide CRB 25278/2022. The deceased’s body is lying at Gulu Regional Referral hospital where the injured is also receiving treatment.

Source: The Observer

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